Degree: B.S.E/M.S.E Biomedical Engineering ’20
Why I Started This Project: A lot of people are concerned about what the fall will look like at Michigan. I wanted to create a fun opportunity for students to work with mentors to design what their educational experience could look like and help create an environment that’s able to support everyone in the face of COVID-19. I hope this challenge can encourage students to get creative and connect with others even while we are quarantined.
Degree: B.S. Cell and Molecular Biology ’20
Why I Started This Project: After having to leave campus early, I noticed that there was a sense of purposelessness among me and my friends. Internships were cancelled, classes were online, friends were isolated from each other, and a lot of people felt that there was nothing they could do during this time. I wanted to create this challenge to show that there was still plenty to do since the campus faces several tough challenges in order to reopen this fall. These challenges require bright, innovative minds working together so I wanted this challenge to help students reconnect with each other and provide them with a sense of purpose.